Drew – Skinny Artist

All Posts by Drew


About the Author

Drew is a writer, teacher, and head custodian of the Skinny Artist creative community. You can also find him online at OutmatchFitness.com where he writes about fitness, nutrition, and his continuing battle with father time.

When Life Gets in the Way of Art

In a perfect world, I would have a little writing bungalow nestled in the trees like Neil Gaiman (and 1/50 of his talent) In a perfect world, I would never have to stay up late or get up insanely early to get anything done. In a perfect world, I would never get sick, the coffee […]

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7 Lies We Tell Ourselves About Creativity

Why do we believe we aren’t good enough to create our art?  Maybe it’s because we keep telling ourselves the same stupid lies over and over again…   It’s time to stop screwing around. Let’s face it, we don’t have enough time to create without constantly sabotaging ourselves in the process. We are filled up to our […]

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9 Warning Signs of an Amateur Artist

Are you a “Professional” Artist? I’m not talking about if you have a corporate sponsorship or whether or not you are earning the big bucks.  I’m not even talking about quitting your day job, if you have one, and living on ramen noodles and Starbucks (because even if you’re poor you still need your Cafe […]

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The Care and Feeding of a Creative Introvert

An open letter to the extroverts we know and love As introverts, we pretty much understand how extroverts feel and think, mostly because they are constantly telling us. On the other hand, I know that introverts can sometimes be a little difficult to figure out, and being involved in a relationship with one of us […]

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The Myth of the Full-Time Creative Artist

You don’t need 8 hours a day to be a creative artist “I just don’t have enough time to be creative.” This is something people tell me all the time. They feel as if they never have enough time to really focus on their creative projects, which is certainly something I understand. Although, I have a feeling that […]

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Beating the Green-Eyed Bastard!

“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on.” ~William Shakespeare Jealous much? Let’s face it, now that almost every artist and their creative brother are online showing off their handiwork,  it’s easier than ever to become jealous of … their artwork/writing/music their sales their […]

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150 Amazing Quotes to Feed Your Creative Soul

I have always believed that the right words have a way of finding you when you need to hear them.  For me, quotes are little bite-sized messengers of courage, perseverance, and hope for the creative artist in this often overly materialistic world. Here is a collection of 150 (or so) amazing quotes that I often […]

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How to Become Famous in 3 Shockingly Easy Steps

Let’s face it, you’ve probably been working way too hard. Forget about all of those years toiling away in obscurity Forget about putting in your 10,000 hours of practice to master your craft. In fact, forget about creating any creative work at all, now it’s all about becoming famous for the sake of being famous. […]

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5 Habits of Happy Artists

Do you remember happy? We’re not talking about positive thinking or grinning-like-an-idiot kind of happy, we’re talking about the kind of happy that makes you smile when you put your head on your pillow at night. That subtle feeling of contentment. That feeling like you’ve added something unique to the creative conversation that day. Maybe […]

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On Cookies, Art, and Courage

Walking out of a store the other day and was approached by two girls who asked me, “If I would like to buy some Girl Scout cookies.” Now, of course, I don’t necessarily need another $5 box of cookies in our house, but was I really going to say no to these girls who were […]

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9 Ways to Crush Creative Burnout

What the funk?! Sometimes we get tired of trying. We get tired of constantly falling behind, knowing that we’ll never catch up. We don’t know if we’re heading in the right direction, and we’re not even sure if we have the energy to get up and deal with any of it for one more day. Sometimes we find […]

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6 Ways Creativity Can Make Us Better at Life

Creativity isn’t just for creating stuff. Being a creative artist is about more than just creating a bunch of stuff that other people may or may not care about. Simply the act of creating has a way of changing us and affecting areas of our lives that are far beyond our creative practice. Creativity can teach us how […]

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Why You Should Write a Book (even if you’re not a writer)

Maybe you’re a writer who has always wanted to write and publish your own book. Maybe you’re a visual artist, photographer, or graphic illustrator who’s been wanting to put together a book showing others how to do a specific technique or simply not have to make all of the same mistakes you did when you […]

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5 Ways to Rediscover your Art and Reclaim your Passion

So what happened?! Do you remember when you just loved to create? Do you remember that feeling of being lost inside your imagination while the rest of the world dropped away? When exactly did you lose that? When did creating your art become something less than it was supposed to be? As creative artists, we […]

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3 Ideas that will Transform Your Creative Business

Getting started is hard. The beginning of almost any project is almost always overwhelming. We’re excited to get moving, but at the same time, we don’t have any idea where to start. So we put it off. Instead, we focus on figuring it all out. We read some books, check out some blog posts, maybe […]

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5 Things About Writer’s Block No One Tells You

I’ve got nothing How many times have you sat down in front of your computer to work on your latest blog post or writing project only to discover that you’ve got nothing to say. I know it’s happened to me, and it’s probably happened to you. In fact the only people who never get writer’s block […]

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Making a Quiet Impact

For whatever reason, when I was growing up, I never seemed to enjoy the same things that everyone else around me did. It wasn’t until college that I really started to learn about some of the differences between having an introverted and extroverted personality. At the time, I just assumed that I was weird, and […]

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5 Fears that can Destroy an Artist

#1 Self-Doubt (What if I’m not good enough?) This is probably the number one fear of any creative professional.  After all, we are not creating necessities but luxuries for the most part.  As much as our art enriches our life and the lives of others, it remains something that we (at least as consumers) could […]

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The Hidden Beauty of the Ugly Truth

We are all broken Our online world is filled with photoshopped avatars, self-serving social media updates, and perfectly timed press releases that are often far more myth than reality. Don’t get me wrong, there is certainly something to be said for putting your best foot forward, but there is also something to be said for revealing your flaws, […]

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The Paralysis of Perfectionism

Perils of perfect As much as we would like to convince ourselves otherwise, perfectionism is not about having high standards or a keen eye for detail. Instead it’s like pretty much everything else we do that screws up our creative life— it’s really about dealing with our fears and trying to protect our fragile ego. […]

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Writing Classes Won’t Make You a Better Writer

We long for connection, guidance, and encouragement from other artists. Although these things may make our creative journey easier, they won’t necessarily make us any better.   Creative isolation I didn’t know any writers growing up. In my neighborhood, we didn’t have some wise eccentric neighbor who was a writer. There was no role model, […]

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3 Ages of an Artist

Whether you are a writer, a painter, or any other type of creative artist you know that your life and your art are constantly evolving. Like any other journey this one has a beginning, a middle, and an end (so to speak) and each stage comes with its own set of rewards and potential pitfalls. The courage to […]

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9 Book Cover Mistakes that are Costing You Sales

Judging a book by its cover Book covers are probably more important than you think. It doesn’t matter if you are publishing a book, an ebook, or just a PDF that you plan to give away on your website, the cover will often determine how many sales or downloads you will end up getting. Why? […]

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3 Simple Steps to Spark your Creativity

  What’s your creative process? by: Tara Leaver Even if you’re not a painter or a writer or a musician, there are likely places in your life where you do have a creative process, even if you haven’t seen it that way before. If you think about it, bringing anything into existence, from an email […]

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Do the work (you have everything you need)

 It’s not about having the right tools or gadgets, it’s about putting in the work. Whether you are writing a novel, painting a picture, or trying to capture the perfect photograph.  We like easy Let’s face it, we all love our shortcuts and gadgets. Whether it’s about making our waistlines smaller, our creative work better, or our […]

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How to Deal with Creative Criticism

Listening to people criticize our creative work is never easy, but it’s going to happen. So how do we take a punch in the ego and then get back to work? The creative writing teacher from hell In college, I had a creative writing teacher who told us the first week of class that his job […]

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3 Words that Will Change Your Life

Most of us don’t need any more goals or things to add to our to-do list. What we need is a way to focus our mind and cultivate our creative soul…   I was exhausted. Most days my head would hit the pillow and I would wonder, what did I really accomplish today? What was wrong with […]

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