Legal Disclaimer and Disclosure Page – Skinny Artist

Legal Disclaimer and Disclosure Page

Please take a moment to read our affiliate disclaimer and disclosure:

From time to time, we may endorse, promote, or suggest products or services that are for sale. Our recommendations are always based on our belief that the product and its creator will provide valuable information or excellent service based on an honest review of that product, our past relationship with that person, and/or a previous positive experience with the person or company whose product we are recommending.  In some cases, we may be compensated if you decide to purchase that product based on our recommendation.  In some cases, we may have received the product free for review purposes.

One of the purposes of this website is to share the strategies, products, and services that we like and have worked for us. We cannot guarantee, however, that they will work for you. There is no such thing as a magic product or service that will solve all of your problems.  Let’s face it, most people don’t do anything with the products they purchase, so most of the time their typical results are zero.

Always do your own research and due-diligence before making any purchase online and never purchase anything that you cannot afford.