[…] Well the first lesson we can take from all of this is that we need to create great stuff. It doesn’t matter if we are creating music, sculptures, paintings, or photographs; before we do anything, we need to create top shelf material. There’s no point in busting your tail trying to bring people to your site if you’re still not ready for the big time. […]
[…] throughout your career. Great artists such from Warhol, Versace, Dali, Picasso, Hemmingway, Twain, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jerry Garcia, to Lady Gaga understood the value of creating a very specific […]
‘Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. ‘
What a great quote! I hope you don’t mind if I borrow this for an upcoming post I’m doing on work habits. . . .
Thanks again Cameron!
Then again, you could just be Yoko Ono: produce some rather bad art, get the audience to do your work and call it “conceptual art”, manipulate the psychological weaknesses of the guy who put in his 10K hours, and then reap all kinds of “art” awards for in your old age for being his widow AND get all the money. Yay, life!!!
You’re right Fiona, unfortunately we have long history of people piggybacking on the success, fame, and wealth of others. Personally I’ve never been a huge fan of Yoko’s solo work, but then again I also realize that she has been put in that unenviable position of being that person who will never be able to live up to expectations no matter what she does. The same goes for Sean and Julian or the children of any other legendary artist, writer, musician for that matter. It seems to be both a blessing and a curse to walk in the footsteps of these masters. . .
The nutty “Fiona” post has all the earmarks of a demented Yoko Ono obsessive going by the handle “F Parella” in Usenet Beatles forums. All topics lead back to Yoko for this fanatical kook. Does this mean “F” stands for Fiona? That would be news….usually, this creature keeps itself carefully anonymous.
[…] your career. Great artists such from Warhol, Versace, Dali, Picasso, Hemmingway, Twain, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jerry Garcia, to Lady Gaga understood the value of creating a very specific […]
i am 53 years old and feel trapped with the urge to write something but can’t get started. i have this feeling that i lost passion to finish my short story about a man in midlife crisis. until i read your article.
thank you for the wonderful insight on to rediscover back my passion.
Well I guess I hit a decade or something a year or so ago.
I remember back in my early 20’s I cranked out full colored art like two a day, they were kinda shitty looking now, but still.
While I feel my art’s been good enough for a lil while, I do still notice myself getting better and better. Which I guess is awesome because I’d kill myself if there was a level cap in real life.
RPG mechanics.
Excellent discussion/kick in the pants. Thanks!
[…] or 10 years of average practice (assuming it's not mistakes being practised). Rugby is simple. Are you ready for the big time? | Skinny Artist Sorry, missed […]