[…] an artist marketing yourself and your work online do you have a home or do you find yourself virtually […]
[…] maintain this reputation throughout your career. Great artists such from Warhol, Versace, Dali, Picasso, Hemmingway, Twain, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jerry Garcia, to Lady Gaga understood the value of […]
So true… So obvious but I definitely needed reminding of this, thanks.
It’s the artists themselves that make all the difference. The art is just a bi-product that draws attention to the person who created it. But the person has to draw attention to his or herself in other ways too, and ‘be’ a great artist, to bring more attention to their art. I suppose the art and artist mutually feed on each other.
You’re absolutely right Victor, it is the artist that makes all the difference. It’s a bit ironic actually because when we are creating our art/music/writing it has very little to do with us, but when we are selling our art, it has everything to do with us.
Thanks again for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us.
[…] maintain this reputation throughout your career. Great artists such from Warhol, Versace, Dali, Picasso, Hemmingway, Twain, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jerry Garcia, to Lady Gaga understood the value of […]
Good article! I wonder what Picasso actually did to sell his persona. Pictures of himself show lots of personality. I have a piece of art I did that reminds me of Picasso’s style.
It is called, ‘Woman Wrapped In a Yellow Towel’, and in that style I call my art Contemporary Muse Art. I would like to invite you to see my art at http://www.artdebra.com.
You’re right Debra it would be nice if we were able to somehow separate Picasso the “man” from the legend that has sprung up around him. Similar to Dali and even early Bob Dylan, their myth often grew around them with or without all of the facts. Then again, it wasn’t really the facts their fans were after, it was the archetype of the perfect creative artist. The true marketing genius of Picasso, Dali, and Dylan was the fact that they didn’t waste their energy trying to convince their fans otherwise ;)
You touched a good point with saying that the artist markets himself and people actually buy the artist not the artwork. This is true for all cases in life actually, whether youre a businessman that do great jobs within the company you have to market yourself to reach people that will carry you to higher points, or whether you are a student you have to market yourself good enough so that you surround yourself with friends. However I still can not decide if marketing is an illusion or not.
I’m also considering to write about marketing and arts in my blog. Thanks for inspiration!