Introducing Skinny Pins! – Skinny Artist

Introducing Skinny Pins!

Introducing Skinny Pins - Words and Images to Inspire your Art

You know we love this stuff!

Those of you who have been around the Skinny Artist community for awhile know that we like to do whatever we can to encourage artists to follow their dreams and find a way to live their art every day.  We love to share images, quotes, and writings that inspire us, and they’re something that we share as often as possible on our Twitter, Google+, and Facebook page. Of course part of the problem with sharing things this way, is that all of these awesome little gems eventually slide down our Facebook timeline and Twitter stream and disappear into the cyber ether.  Now sure you could always scroll down and dig them up one by one, but seriously, who has time for that?  We knew there had to be a better way to organize and share all of this cool stuff, but I just couldn’t find a good (i.e. easy) way to do it until Pinterest came along.


Before you go looking for us on Pinterest. . .we’re not there

Instead of signing up for yet one more social media account, we decided to have Pinterest come to us (kind of) and we created a brand-new section of Skinny Artist called Skinny Pins” which is where we’re going to archive all of this creatively inspired goodness for you to enjoy and share with others. Now of course we’ll continue to share all of these great quotes, images, infographics, and videos with you on Facebook and Twitter — but we also wanted to create a place where anyone could just stop by and visit whenever they needed a smile or a word of encouragement.


If you already use Pinterest, things will look familiar

When you first visit Skinny Pins you’ll probably notice that the site looks and behaves a lot like Pinterest. In other words, if you see an image or a video that you like — you can instantly “repin” it, like it on Facebook, or you can join in on the conversation and leave us a comment.  Obviously we’re just getting started and we’ll continue to add more cool stuff as we go along. Not only that, but we’ve also created a submission page.  So if there is a poem, image, quote, book, person, cause, or idea that has inspired you — we would love to have you send it to us so that we can add it to our growing collection.  Skinny Artist is your creative community and we want to know what inspires you to create your art. Hope you enjoy it!


Click on the image below to visit Skinny Pins

Visit Skinny Pins & Get Inspired!



About the Author

Drew is a writer, teacher, and head custodian of the Skinny Artist creative community. You can also find him online at where he writes about fitness, nutrition, and his continuing battle with father time.