Just Create to Create

You may not be Picasso or Mozart

It’s okay

We may never become the next Picasso, Hemingway, or Mozart — but that’s okay.

It’s enough just to create something. To offer the world something it’s never seen before.

Your story, your song, or your painting shared with the rest of us.

Maybe it will turn out to be awesome, or maybe it won’t. Either way it doesn’t matter because it’s not really about what you create, but who you become along the way.

Just create to create

When you create something, you’re telling others it’s okay for them to create as well.

You are showing your family, your kids, and your society that creativity is important.

It’s not enough for us to simply stumble through life and survive — we need more.

We need art, music, and books. We need something besides money to get us out of bed and do the work we were meant to do.

Maybe writing, painting, and playing music is not about making a living — but more about making a life worth living. Maybe we should just create because we can.


“You may not be a Picasso or Mozart but you don’t have to be.
Just create to create. Create to remind yourself you’re still alive.
Make stuff to inspire others to make something too.
Create to learn a bit more about yourself.”

~Frederick Terral

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1 comment

  1. I love this….it is so very true….one can get very intimidated at times and that stifles the one’s creative spirit…..