What’s your story?

We all have a story to tell - Image Quote

Everyone has a creative gift to share.  Everyone has a story to tell.  What’s your story?


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  1. I am a late starter, but at least I started!!!
    In 2005 life was complicated,I had just lost my husband and mother-in-law within 4 years, I had moved twice, then on a early March morning I awoke to find I was totally blind in one eye, I didn’t know what to do, so I tried to leep working, that failed, I was super nervous driving , so I quit. So decided to find out how bad this was,,,, OH noooooooooooooooo irt was not going to get better, in fact the other eye had a cataract on it too, I was told I had 4 conditions that cause blindness,,,so I went to San Diego Center for the Blind and learn to cope.

    While there I met a womderful man and soon after graduation I moved in with him, we both felt so b;essedwe were both widowers.

    I started Braille Institute in La Jolla in September and decided I needed to bite my fear and take an art class in watercoloring.

    Su became the big adventure of my life, I feel so alive and creative, in red bubble I have posted 1300 _ paintings and have over 250.000 views, and have sold 4 prints. If I never sale that is okay, I keep challenge myself and my improvement has been great, I I try everyday to paint!! I have no color or depth perception so with each brush stroke ,,it comes out very interesting, I have learned several techniques and styles, but I find for the most parteach painting is unique and I lovw them,,,,all.
    That is my story and I am sticking too it,,what is yours????