More Important than Fear

More Important than Fear

It’s pretty easy to have courage when we’re not afraid, but that’s not really the point is it?

Real courage is about doing something even if it scares the crap out of us. We do it not because we are brave, but because we’ve learned that there are things out there far worse than being afraid.

Things like regret and missed opportunity. All of those moments in our life when we ended up saying “No”, when we should have said “Yes”. It’s about stepping up to the moment and having the courage to dive head-first into the unknown. Whatever happens after that moment is irrelevant, because courage is not about the final result, but only our willingness to leap into the unknown.

Our biggest regrets in life are not where we have tried and failed, but only where we have failed to try.


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that
something else is more important than fear.”

~Ambrose Redmoon

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