Ira Glass Image Quote

It’s going to take some time (and that’s okay)

[Click on the image to make it larger]  Despite what people may tell you, creating art is not easy. Creating art (or anything) is hard work and chances are it’s going to take awhile to get to that point where you are creating something worthwhile.  You’re going to try and50

Mark Twain Image Quote-You Can Be Great

Stay away from small people…

We are here to lift each other up, not tear one another down. This is one of the great life lessons that sooner or later we all must learn.  We are fooled sometimes because in the short-run competition appears to work.  If you win, I lose — therefore in order for50

Stephen King Image Quote On Writing

You can, you should, and you will.

Art is not easy. In fact, writing and creating art is often hard and frustrating work. Those of us, however, who choose this path do it because it’s what we love to do.   We are thought collectors.   We are interpreters.  We are creators. That is simply who we50

It's okay to fail, not okay to quit

It’s okay to fail (really)

Failure is part of the process They say that mastery comes from experience and experience comes from failure.  In other words, you can’t get one without the other.  It’s okay to fail as long as you don’t fall into the trap of  blaming someone else for your past mistakes.  Take50

Mikhail Baryshnikov Quote on Competition

Be a better you…

We all know what it’s like to feel like we are out there competing against the world.  Sometimes it feels like it’s us against them.  If they win we lose, and the only way we rise to the top is by pulling someone else down.  The truth, however, is that50

Steven Pressfield Quote

Believe the Unbelievable

Sometimes in order to get started you need to be willing to put aside your fears and self-doubts and convince yourself that anything is possible.  Some people call this “fake it until you make it” while others understand that something is only truly impossible if you are unwilling to try.50

Do not judge your progress

Get What You Give

It’s far too easy to get discouraged by our current progress (or lack thereof) towards achieving our creative dreams, but success inevitably grows by the seeds we plant today. Even if we are unable to see the results of our hard work today, we need to have faith and realize that50